Peace building/Conflict Resolution / EWER Mechanism:
Peace is central to sustainable development and conflict resolution system at multiple levels in the society. CPAED empower people, organizations and communities with relevant peace building skills and tools to address conflict issues while helping to build appropriate mechanisms for mediation, reconciliation and restorative Justice as well as monitoring early warning signs for early response and mitigation.

Community Visioning And Experience Sharing And Networking

Cord. CPAED with Distric Council Malali

Dialogue session with key stakeholders on peace

Junvile peace & drug use education in Borstal

Juvenile peace & drug use education

 Peace Education in School

Peace Talk At Gonigora

 Peace building Exercise

Rigasa Community Peace building

 Trained Volunteers In Conflict Resolution

 Women Core Mediators

 Women Gender Violence Prevention

 Youth & Women Focu Group Discussion

 Zaria Community Town Hall Meeting On Peace

District Head Tudunwada With Cord. CPAED